Basketball, Betting News

Oscar Frayer dies in a car accident

Grand Canyon’s basketball player Oscar Frayer died in a car accident, the accident took place in northern California, near the school. The accident was very harsh that the player and his elder sister also died in that accident. However, it is confirmed that along with these two brothers and sisters one more man was also present who died in the same accident.

Frayer was an educated man who graduated and got his degree and was going to attend a ceremony next week. All the people who were connected with the player by any means were very sad about the incident and showed their sadness in different forms. On Twitter, the last update of Frayer was a statement which was “ it’s forever Love”.

His coach also said a few words about the player. He said that he will never be forgotten and will always be remembered. He was a good player who was ambitious and wanted to play many more games and events in basketball. He was only a 23 years old man, a full life was left for him to do so much, people from other cities also showed their condolences towards the player he was a high school star player.

frayer car accident

Frayer was raised by his mother when his father died in a car accident at that time Frayer was only 7 years old. He posted a statement where he says “Rest in Peace dad”. Also in his school, there will be a small mourn event for Frayer, which takes place for every student who dies during their academic year. The coincidence is that 3 days before the accident he played in the NCAA tournament and he was a very bright player on the men’s basketball team.

NCAA budget for men’s basketball is twice as women’s

ncaa women basketball

The budget set by the men’s basketball is twice as much as the women’s, many organizations, as well as the coach of the women’s team, are questioning this. Why this behavior with women’s teams isn’t worth more and more other questions. The conditions have gotten so worse that people are raising the question of gender equity also.

Not only the women ‘s basketball association but other teams were also not happy with this decision of the NCAA. The demand for equal rights is very popular and rising in basketball nowadays. According to the NCAA, the championship budgets are made and approved every year which each year there are different kinds of structure plans for the budget. Each year there is always little difference between the budget of men and women and always the
budget of men is high.

For this accusation, NCAA has given their clarification that there are few key differences between these two championship matches. However, last year during the pandemic, the conditions were worse and that is why the budget was not very clear and also there were disturbances in the budget. But this year the budget of men and women are completely different from one another.